Saturday, February 13, 2010


I'm still here!. Our internet got shut off but I'm jacking it from my neighbor (who was jacking it from us before) now. So I have it again. Update later. It's too early for a Saturday.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sleep Regression & Dear John Spoiler?

Oh my sweet little daughter, who has never been a good sleeper, decided now would be the time to become even worse. She used to wake up about once or twice to eat. But for the past few days she has been waking up EVERY HOUR. I looked into it and apparently there’s something called “Four Month Sleep Regression”? It lasts for about three or four weeks and pretty much all you can do is grin and bear it. Yesterday Tom’s office was closed due to a power outage and I don’t think I was happier to see him in my life. After being awake with Bell since 3 am he was a sight for sore eyes at 8 when he returned home. I plopped my ass back in bed and slept until noon.
As much as I’ve been complaining about not having a job, I’m pretty darn happy I don’t have to get up for work in the morning these days. I’m pretty much a zombie so I don’t know how I could handle actually being productive.
On a completely different note. My being home has led me to be somewhat productive in my desire to read more. I finished Dear John two days ago. It was pretty good. Romantic and heartbreaking. Pretty much classic Sparks. The only thing I didn’t like was how fast things seemed to go sour between the two characters. It seemed like things were unbelievably perfect between them one minute and three pages later they were over. But I got The Deep End of the Ocean by Jacquelyn Mitchard out of the library yesterday and hopefully will start reading it today.
But aside from Tom going back to work it’s been a pretty typical week. Just me and Bell and my attempts to stay awake with her.

Friday, January 15, 2010

taking a breath

MY life is kind of falling apart.

I never meant for this to be so dramatic. I actually wanted it to be light hearted. Pictures of my daughter, funny things my family has done, updates on how our life is going in the right direction for once since we’ve gotten married. Unfortunately, that couldn’t be more off. We literally have negative dollars in our bank account. I’ve never hated a debit card so much in my life. How does one have NEGATIVE DOLLARS? Not zero, not we’ll wait until we get the next check in to replenish what we’ve spent. My bank account says $-243.00.

Tom got approved for unemployment. We got enough money in to pay off the rest of the January rent. Then he took a job paying less than unemployment would give us (I’m okay with this because I can’t stand living off of handouts). I have an astronomical electric bill that has been growing since we’ve moved apartments three months ago.

My landlord, Pissy Missy, may actually have to go to the hospital because of the concussion I’m dying to give her. Her words to my husband on the phone “I have no respect for a woman who has a child who is attempting to live a stay at home life style, you do not deserve to raise a baby like that”. Well for starters, I haven’t tried to live a “stay at home” life style since my husband lost his job the first time. In the past month I have turned in 11 applications and handed in 13 resumes. I have had one interview. And that was sixteen days ago. She can look down on me for not paying my rent on time, she can be annoyed when we call her to tell her the snow in the driveway is too high to get our cars out of, she can even not have respect for me for being jobless. But I will be damned if someone is going to condemn me as a parent. She is a mother, and she needs to have some sort of respect for the fact that I am doing everything in my will power to provide the best life possible for my daughter.

On top of that, Tom’s recruiter seems to be twiddling his thumbs, which is causing Tom to have second thoughts. I’m sure if anyone with a husband/ boyfriend in the military reads this they aren’t going to believe me but I wanted Tom to join the Navy. I’m well aware he’s going to be gone, a lot. I know how hard it is for him to leave and that’s only a month at a time (he’s had jobs where he has to travel a lot). I know it’s dangerous (albeit not as dangerous as other branches). I know it’s hard work, I’m sure it’s degrading, and I know he probably wouldn’t like it. But when he said he wanted to join I was excited. I was excited to get out of this little town for a while. I was excited to not have to struggle for a little while. But mostly I was excited for both him and I to get a chance to get education.

My mom’s fiancĂ©e is a CFO for a well known company, and he has told me what the hiring process is like, and admits it is going to be hard for us. There are people out of work with DOCTORATES. He had 143 people apply for one job that was admittedly beneath them. Why would he choose someone with less education and less experience over someone who has the highest of qualifications? He wouldn’t.

I wanted that money to go to school. To give us a chance. I grew up privileged. I’ve never had to struggle for anything in my life. I don’t want my daughter to ask me for ten dollars to go to the movies one day and I have to say no because I don’t have enough to pay bills. I want to relax, to take a breath, I want my hair to stop turning gray and falling out at twenty years old. Selfish ? Probably. I’m not the one signing my life away. But it’s the truth. It was something for me to grasp on to.

On top of all that Tom and I have been arguing. It’s understandable, we’re stressed out, and we have different ideas of getting what we want. But it has ashamedly made me question our decision to get married so quickly and while I was so young. If I weren’t married I would be going to college, looking for a crappy part time job that I didn’t really need except for fun money. I would have gone with my best friend to NYC for New Years. I’d be cozy in my mom’s five bedroom house with an indoor hot tub. I wouldn’t be crying myself to sleep every night and I wouldn’t be yelling at my nonexistent husband just because there’s no one else to yell at. I remind myself every day that I’m in love with this man. Because it’s the truth. When I think of what I’d do without him I can’t imagine it. He is my rock. It just happens to be during an earthquake at the moment. I keep telling myself we will come out of it. I will get a job, eventually get my education, we may not ever be wealthy but we’ll be happy. Our daughter will love us and will do better than we ever did.

I’m obviously having a bad day (more like a depressing week) so hopefully tomorrow is better. Hopefully a get a call for a job and his recruiter calls him which gets him pumped up again and we can take a breath. I just need to breathe.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas was good. Isabella got spoiled. Tom and I got wayyy too much. But we really enjoyed the holidays this year (our first as a married couple) as much as we can given our current financial state.

Our New Years Eve was relatively good. Isabella stayed at my mom-in-laws. Tom and I drank wine and I had a minor meltdown. In fact I’ve been having minor meltdowns since then. Isabella is teething and therefore sleeping poorly at night. She also cries for most of the day. On top of that no matter how much sleep I do get I’m exhausted throughout the day. My house is a mess, Isabellas room still isn’t put away from when we moved in, let alone any Christmas gifts. I also seem to have a headache every day. So her fussiness is really getting to me. It’s making me really upset, but I’m just getting so frustrated. I try to get Tom to take care of her any chance I get. When he said he was taking his nephew sledding today I just broke down. I didn’t want to be left alone with her because I didn’t think I could take another day of trying to figure out what was wrong with her. Tom took her to my mom-in-laws and I spent the day alone. But instead of getting a nap, or cleaning, I stared at the TV watching House reruns all day.

I love my daughter, unbelievably so. But I just feel like I need a few days break. I know that’s completely selfish, not to mention unrealistic. But I just want to cuddle with my husband in a clean house without worrying whether she’ll wake up. Hopefully this is all just passing, it is that time of the month (incause anyone out there in cyberspace was wondering) and I’m hoping I’m just moody and it’s nothing something more serious.

On the plus side, Tom and I each had an interview. Mine was for the a 3pm to 11pm shift at the hospital, admitting emergency room patients (getting their symptoms, insurance information, being yelled at for taking too long, and overall dealing with sick people who don’t want to be asked the questions I have to ask them). Toms was for an 11pm to 7am shift at a gas station. Nothing to thrilling on either of our parts, but a job’s a job.

Ah well, I have to go do something so Tom doesn’t think I just sat here all day.