Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sleep Regression & Dear John Spoiler?

Oh my sweet little daughter, who has never been a good sleeper, decided now would be the time to become even worse. She used to wake up about once or twice to eat. But for the past few days she has been waking up EVERY HOUR. I looked into it and apparently there’s something called “Four Month Sleep Regression”? It lasts for about three or four weeks and pretty much all you can do is grin and bear it. Yesterday Tom’s office was closed due to a power outage and I don’t think I was happier to see him in my life. After being awake with Bell since 3 am he was a sight for sore eyes at 8 when he returned home. I plopped my ass back in bed and slept until noon.
As much as I’ve been complaining about not having a job, I’m pretty darn happy I don’t have to get up for work in the morning these days. I’m pretty much a zombie so I don’t know how I could handle actually being productive.
On a completely different note. My being home has led me to be somewhat productive in my desire to read more. I finished Dear John two days ago. It was pretty good. Romantic and heartbreaking. Pretty much classic Sparks. The only thing I didn’t like was how fast things seemed to go sour between the two characters. It seemed like things were unbelievably perfect between them one minute and three pages later they were over. But I got The Deep End of the Ocean by Jacquelyn Mitchard out of the library yesterday and hopefully will start reading it today.
But aside from Tom going back to work it’s been a pretty typical week. Just me and Bell and my attempts to stay awake with her.

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